Wednesday, April 23, 2008

MySpace Bitch

Yeah I'm one of those. Anywho, forgot to mention in earlier post that I've discovered that there are several Deadliest Catch MySpaces out there. Now on my friends list:
The Northwestern
Matt from the Northwestern
Deadliest Catch Fanpage

Yes I'm a nerd. Those were all I could find in the last few minutes of my lunch yesterday. It amuses me.

Interview with Phil of 'Deadliest Catch'

My crabby buddies were on TV last night again. Sig verbally punched his greenhorn in the face regarding crab count. Another guy made a chicken dinner that made anything I cook look like slop. Not that that is a hard feat, but ya know.

Phil fell asleep at the wheel even though he'd sucked down 56 red bulls in like 9 days. I'd of grown wings and flew off the damn boat by then from the jitters. I'd at least make most tweakers look calm, anyway.

Anywho, I found an interview with Phil regarding his health issues he faces this season on the show. Don't listen if you don't want to be spoiled, but I did because I suck and I guess I didn't want to be surprised. More info and interview can also be found here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Someone Had Better Watch Their Ass!

Hollywood Reporter is making claims about the "fishiness" of editing on 'Deadliest Catch.'

Apparently they want a beat down. This show is crack and I'm Whitney Houston on a bender. Don't fuck with the crabbies!

Anywho, in the season premiere last week, they showed a boat on it's way to Dutch Harbor that took a rogue wave and sprung a leak. The wave they showed however, was actually from later in the season and it was edited in. Whoop de do. They didn't get film of the actual wave that caused the leak, so they used a different one. I don't care.

Like I said, this show rules. These guys have big brass ones to do this shit for a living.